Blake Baron
After several months refining prototypes in a garage workshop, Tennis Line Cleaner was founded in 2023. We delivered our first TLC ACE at the beginning of 2024 and have since prepared our manufacturing, production and packaging location for distribution early 3rd Quarter 2024.
He plays tennis most days of the week currently in Palmetto, FL happily married to his wife Beth, 3 Adult Children, and 2 Beautiful Grand Children here in FL. Born and raised in the Chicagoland suburbs, where he played Tennis/Soccer. Graduate from Bradley University, then developed throughout the 80’s & 90’s with his partner 8 Dunkin’ Donuts locations. Since then, he has owned and operated a Life Insurance brokerage firm, imported live tropical fish, and has several eCommerce platforms connecting goods with customers.
New to the inventor stage (no matter what the project) it’s all about under promising and over delivering to the customer. Especially in a day and time when customer service and products seem to be average at best. This one though will absolutely be a game changer for anyone either player or maintenance person will love this invention to save time and see a crisp white line.